Malum Prohibihum

Information Links




Various links that may be useful for you, the viewer.



Articles from Professors of Law

6-Peterson  and  watch the Video: [Foreclosure Fiasco?]  
Two Faces: Demystifying the Mortgage Electronic Registration System's Land Title Theory Christopher L. Peterson
An Introduction to the Role of Securitization in Residential Mortgage Finance  
Subprime Lending, Foreclosure and Race  
Explaining the Housing Bubble Adam Levitin
Letter to Permanent Editorial Board -2011  
Letter to Permanent Editorial Board -2010  
Mortgage Foreclosures, Missing Promissory Notes, and the Uniform Commercial Code: A New Article Douglas Whaley
Once a Failed REMIC, Never a REMIC Bradley T. Borden, David J. Reiss
Dirt Lawyers, Dirty REMICs  
All In One Basket: The Bankruptcy Risk Of A National Agent-Based Mortgage Recording System John Patrick Hunt, Richard Stanton, and Nancy Wallace
Clarifying Murky MERS: Does Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Have
Authority to Assign the Mortgage Note in a Standard Illinois Foreclosure Action?
Kevin M. Hudspeth
Deconstructing The Black Magic Of Securitized Trusts: How The Mortgage-Backed Securitization Process Is Hurting The Banking Industry’s Ability To Foreclose And Proving The Best Offense For A Foreclosure Defense Roy D. Oppenheim
Jacquelyn K. Trask-Rahn
More articles at : Social Science Research Network (SSRN)



Useful Links

Cornell Law School   Google Scholar
Department of Commerce   FindLaw
Government Executive   Georgetown Law Library
eDocket   UTSA Libraries
Consumer Law Handbook [Texas English/Spanish]    

Links to Statutes and Codes

Texas Constitution and Statutes Texas Property Code  
Texas Business and Commerce Code, Article 3 Texas Property Code §51
Texas Business and Commerce Code, Article 9 Texas Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. [Texas UETA]  
Uniform Commercial Code, Article 3  Uniform Electronic Transactions Act  
Uniform Commercial Code, Article 9 E-SIGN Act  
Texas Local Government Code, Chapter §192 Texas Government Code, §51  




Educational Links


UCC Article 3 & 4 UCC Article 9
Chapter 23 Creating a Negotiable Instrument Secured Transactions: Fundamental Concepts - Scope of Article 9
How Is A Negotiable Instrument Properly Transferred Secured Transactions - Creation of Security Interests
Commercial Paper Secured Transactions - Creation of a Security Interest
REG - commercial paper, secured transactions, and property Secured Transactions- Attachment
Business Law 241 BYU Commercial Paper & Secured Transactions
Commercial Paper Business Law Chapter 7
Chapter 9; Nature of Traditional and E-Contracts Introduction to Electronic Commerce - Chapter 1
Chapter 10; Agreement Acc 241 Business Law - Third Party Rights and Discharge Vocabulary
Business Law CH14 Liability of Principals, Agents, and Independent Contractors

Pro se Information Texas Court System  
Representing Yourself in Court
Northern District
Jurisdictionary Eastern District  
  Southern District  
  Western District  

Informational: What is the difference between the Federal court system and the Texas Court System?


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